lords: 15%(225) heroes: 24%(357) core: 33%(500) special: 16%(238) rare: 13%(195) total: 1515 points
225 points
Master Necromancer
Level 4, Dispel Scroll
95 points
Scream of the Banshee, Causes Terror, Ethereal
135 points
Wight King
Heavy Armour, Killing Blow, Battle Standard Bearer, Screaming Banner
127 points
Wight King
Heavy Armour, Killing Blow, Extra Hand Weapon, Nightshroud
130 points
40x Zombie Horde
Musician, Standard Bearer
130 points
15x Dire Wolves
Slavering Charge, Undead, Vanguard, Doom Wolf
100 points
10x Crypt Ghouls
238 points
6x Crypt Horrors
Poison, Regenerations (5+), Crypt Haunter
70 points
2x Bat Swarm
Swarm, Flyer
70 points
2x Bat Swarm
Swarm, Flyer
195 points
Black Coach
Nightmares, Chariot, Causes Terror, Vampiric
Edit this list in the army generator.